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Streamlined investment workflows
How can we use 14-day Relative Strength Index, 14-day Average Directional Index, and 50-day EMA to predict potential trend reversals or continuations for NVIDIA? What do these indicators collectively suggest about the stock’s future price movement?
How do Walmart and Target compare in terms of market cap, profitability, and customer loyalty? What strategic changes could they consider improve their position?
Inference and Reasoning
Stoqs does not rely solely on LLMs for reasoning and inference, but also uses traditional analytical tools.
Compare the segment sales for AMD between 2022 and 2023. which segment's sales increased the most proportionally?
Plot the triple ema and the ema of apple stock, with a period of 23 and 14 respectively
Generative UX delivers accurate, detailed in-house charts and graphs without third-party providers
Trustworthy, institutional-grade data from reliable sources — relevant insights over popular ones
The watchlist feature lets you extract insights from the stocks you're interested in, just through chat
On tests using Finbench, Stoqs beats other LLM products on finance queries. Our refined retrieval strategies make this possible.
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